Wednesday, January 29, 2014

1st before and after




5 min. walk story
i went down to the water front in down town Portland. i had an old family friend, i have know her scene i was small. she was visiting for a couple of days so we all went down to the water front. it was cold but other then that a very sunny beautiful day.  i walked around the down town area and then walk by the water front and took pictures of the bridge and the ducks,and gees that we were feeding. they got so close i could have touched them but i didn't. after that i moved on and found a small coffee shop where i got a scone and shared another good pastry. i walked back with my family and went to the mall. i wanted to go to the pearl district because i love walking around looking at little shops and good coffee places. another place wanted to go and take pictures of is alberda street near my home, they have fun little shops that i love to shop at. the Saturday market is also one of my favorite places to go, because i enjoy just going to small cute shops and enjoying find little rings or a shirt. When I go to the Saturday market I get to meet new poeple and talk, I enjoy looking at the stuff they are selling, a lot of the people make the stuff they sell.